Saturday, November 21, 2009

art + quilt

I'm so excited! I have received my signed copy of Lyric Kinard's fabulous book art+quilt Design Principles and Creativity Exercises...available at your favorite LQS or directly through her website or blog (where you can get a signed copy too! Just click the word blog and it will link you to it)

Lyric is a fellow PAQA-South member and one of the most talented, generous people I know. Her book takes you through lessons on the elements and principles of design, exercises in creative composition, and concludes with ways to effectively analyze and critique work, including several examples of her own pieces and where she sees her successes and lessons learned. Lots of great information!

I'm particularly fond of page 99...I have 2 of my quilts published there! They are the result of an exercise in choosing a principle and an element, then creating a piece in 30 minutes. It was an eye opening experience for me...I usually spend a LOT of time on a piece and this showed me the possibilities in working smaller and faster.


Monday, November 16, 2009


NQR...that's "Not Quilt Related" for my non-fiber art readers!

Though it was inspiring on many levels and I imagine there are elements that will make it into a future piece or two... guess where we were this past weekend?

Here's another hint...
Yes! Charleston!

Beautiful, elegant, historical Charleston, South Carolina.

*swoon and sigh*


Guess where we slept?

That's right! Aboard the USS Yorktown! Our Scout pack traveled for an adventure weekend, and with several hundred other Scouts from other areas we learned the history of the ship and it's aircraft, saw an amazing movie about the Blue Angels, and even had a hands-on science lesson about the ecosystem of the area. The boys learned how to measure salinity and how the level of that affects aquatic life, and they gathered plankton and studied it under a microscope. Someone had even scooped up a tiny jelly - smaller than the tip of my little finger! We explored the ship,viewing the many artifacts and exhibits aboard, and yes, we ate and slept much like the original seamen would have done back in the day. Only 8 women came from our pack and we were given officers we only had to share rooms that would accommodate six. The boys and men, however, got the enlisted quarters and slept 60 or so to a room, with bunks stacked up to 4 high with not much room in between. Quite the adventure!
The timing of the trip, being so close to Veteran's Day, made it all the more special. God bless our Service men and women! Because of their sacrifices we are free.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Woo Hoo!!

"Rising Above Adversity with a Clear Conscience" (seen on the right) just won 3rd place in "Uncommon Threads", a juried fiber arts exhibit at the Davie County Arts Council!!!

The award came with a check! That's a first for me. A fun first.
