Friday, October 15, 2010


I bet you're thinking....ooooh! She's been rust dyeing pretty!!! You know I love to rust dye. I love the uncontrolled, serendipitous results...I love how adding tannin to the mix makes color changes happen...

I'm not rust dyeing....


This is what happens when water fountains go bad...and no one knows...and it's summertime...and really, really hot. I got to measure this 3,000 sf space to draw up plans for a total gutting and renovation. Thank goodness for the laser tape!! And you thought interior design was all glamour! Heehee! Not this time.

But you know, if you get past the ICK factor and look at it really up close, it is fascinating....and pretty. I would love for my rust dyed fabrics to look like this. Just, not with all the ICK!!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Circa Gallery

Yesterday I drove to Asheboro, NC to pick up work from my Cosmic Cow Society group show at Circa Gallery. It's a really fun gallery with an eclectic mix of works from North Carolina artists and I'm happy to report that I am now one of the artists they represent! They have a good assortment of my small works...perfect gift items for the upcoming holidays. So if you are in that area, stop in and have a look. There is something for everyone will love it (all of it, not just mine)!


Friday, October 8, 2010

Taste of Art

Tonight I taught silk scarf dyeing at Sawtooth's Taste of Art. This class is a 2 hour make and take where participants can bring in snacks and beverages and enjoy a creative, fun night out. I'll be teaching it again on October 22 ...come join me!

Aren't these great?

This group knows how to have fun!!!

Thursday, October 7, 2010


I knew I was behind on posting, but gracious!! AUGUST?? It is October now, right? ;)

Well, as usual I've been booked solid with all kinds of fun and the last month FLEW by in a flurry. I taught a Shibori class, got my latest interior design client open for business (pictures soon!) and started drawings on 2 new projects, had 4 art exhibits - 2 solo, 2 group - with one more on the way, one art fundraising event, several baseball tournaments and homework with my kids, and I even had a birthday which seriously, I forgot until I was reminded!

No wonder I'm humming the tune to "The 12 Days of Christmas"...and re-writing the lyrics...

Ah, but it's all good. And I promise, I'll get back to something that resembles regular posts. With photos even!

Meanwhile, news of the upcoming:

* This Sunday, October 10 is the opening reception for "Uncommon Threads"...a juried fiber art exhibit at the Davie County Arts Council, 2-3:30

* Taste of Art at Sawtooth - silk scarf dyeing, tomorrow night and October 22...a fun, relaxed 2 hour make and take class. You can bring wine...everything else you need is furnished. See Sawtooth's website for more info.

*Old Tyme Day at Lewisville Elementary School is coming up in November. This is always lots of fun! The third graders get to experience hands-on activities all relating to life in Colonial America, and of course, my station is quilting :)  Groups of 8 rotate through each station. I give them a brief talk about quiltmaking from that time, show them my antique quilts, and then they get to work around the frame adding their own stitches to a whole cloth. It's sometimes hard to get them to quit when it' time to move on to the next station! Seeing their enthusiasm makes my day.

* In January I will be presenting "Color Works" at the Forsyth Piecers and Quilters Guild (my guild!) on 1/10. I'll be talking about how to use the color wheel when planning projects and showing examples of what works and how to punch things up when something just seems "missing." I'll have a mini trunk show as part of the lecture too.

There are a few more things in the works, so stay tuned. I'll be back before a month goes by this time! (And if I forget, hop over to Facebook and remind me!)
