Friday, February 20, 2009

Opening Night - Exposures

I was so pleased to meet Judy Perez at the opening reception for Exposures last night! She is visiting North Carolina and just happened to be in the neighborhood. Her work is among my most favorite out there....simply amazing. What an honor to have her come see mine!

We "met" through the QuiltArt list and through blogging, and it's fun to get to meet in person. It's great how the internet can bring quilters together from all over.
Small world, isn't it?

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Happy Dancing

Two days of great news! Yesterday I found out that my piece "Eventually You Must Choose" was accepted into PAQA-South's ARTQUILTStransitions exhibit, juried by Susan Brandeis and Jan-Ru Wan. This exhibit will be at the Durham Arts Council from April 17 - June 7 and then move to the Page-Walker Arts & History Center in Cary, NC from June 25 - August 22. I can't wait to see all of the pieces in this will be fantastic!

So, here's a little sneak preview... "Eventually You Must Choose"

This piece was created using my hand-dyed fabric with some from Gone Away Quilting, and some commercial what seemed like a million different threads. It's a fairly simple piece, but as my friend Jenny put it, misleadingly so. It's all about the place on your journey where you know the road you're on is going to end and you have to make a choice. If you've ever been there you know there's usually nothing simple about that.
And the other good news? Well, today I found out that BOTH pieces I submitted to Associated Artists show "Exposures" were accepted! This show was judged by Cameron Dennis and Terri Dowell-Dennis and works must incorporate at least one photograph or photographic image. It opens this Thursday and runs through March 27. The two pieces I submitted are "Guest In My Garden"...a tribute to the Monarch caterpillars I raise, and "Lessons Learned"...a tribute to my grandparents who taught me two of the most important lessons in life - 'when one door closes, another one opens', and 'get back on the horse again'.

"Guest In My Garden"
"Lessons Learned"

Both pieces are mounted on painted canvases. (Lessons Learned got cropped a bit too much...luckily these two were juried from actual pieces, not photographs!)

Now if y'all will excuse me, I'm going to go turn some cartwheels...


Friday, February 13, 2009

Green Goat

...or should the headline read "Cosmic Cow Meets Green Goat"?

I took a short road trip today to the Green Goat Gallery in Spencer, NC to present my work and I'm very happy to report that you can now find my fiber pieces there! I had a wonderful visit with Anne (the owner) and even had a little piece sell while I was browsing. That was just too exciting, so of course I had to celebrate by shopping. I came home with this wonderful funky chicken created by Brad Smith...It is hand carved from a birch branch and I think it's just fabulous.

I do have a thing for funky chickens...and now with being a Cosmic Cow represented by the Green Goat which also houses the Blue Ewe (Yoga Studio) and my funky chicken purchase...gee, I've got the whole barnyard thing going, huh? ;-)

The Green Goat Gallery is about a 30 minute drive from Winston-Salem and well worth a visit...the space is beautiful and the offering of art is really quite wonderful. Check out their web page on the link above and you'll see.

Meanwhile, I have to finish painting the canvas on which I am mounting my piece "Lessons Learned"...a photo transfer art quilt which I am entering in Associated Artists exhibit Exposures along with "Guest in my Garden" be delivered tomorrow.....nothing like the last minute!

I don't care what anyone says, I think Friday the 13th is a great day!! Monday the 13th? Well, that's another story...

Thursday, February 5, 2009

What Matters

The coolest thing happened to me today.

I was on day two of measuring an ENORMOUS warehouse. Big, mostly unheated space. The kind you can't see from one end to the other. Three wings like that. Nostalgic space with old wooden floors and really high ceilings that was once home to a textile manufacturer. Row after row of columns and stacks of pallets creating mazes that you could get lost in. Not at all a "glamorous" interior design job...just field measuring to create floor plans for the property management company. I like those kind of jobs sprinkled in...they are quiet and solitary pursuits...kind of reflective time in a way. And I adore old, old buildings...

Anyway, the point is, it was mostly unheated space. And it's winter. Actual winter, which around here only happens for a few days here and there. Which meant it was COLD. Especially the part I was in today, and of course, I left my gloves in the car...or at home. I'm not sure where they are. I was layered up and two days ago when I was there I really didn't get that cold. In fact, I didn't even wear my coat then. But today...brrrrr. Had the coat on and my hands were pretty icy.

Well, I was measuring along and got to a dark part. I didn't know where to access the light switches, so my client came up to remedy that. We shook hands and chatted for a few minutes and then he went back to his office and I went about my measuring. I had worked my way to the far end of the space when I heard footsteps...then the door opening...

Admittedly, it freaked me out a little. I was in this canyon of a space...alone...just me and my tape measures and the pallets.......and the ghosts of textile workers past....

But then in walked my client holding out a brand new pair of gloves!

He had gone down the street and done that just for me. The simplest act of kindness that totally made my day!

Pretty cool, huh?

I often wonder what little things I've done along the way that has made someone's day...things that were no big deal to me, and maybe weren't even intentional, but that left an imprint on someone else's life. I hope I've done that more often than not. I think that's what really matters in this life.

Like fuzzy gloves on a cold day...

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

It's February?

I can't believe I haven't posted since January 14! Well, actually I can...I've been a wee teensy bit busy. But what else is new? My youngest had his 9th birthday - same day as the inauguration, so there was lots of excitement around here that day. I've had meetings with Cosmic Cow, Beecassos and Associated Artists (see side bar for links), taught an Angelina fiber class at my favorite LQS, been on a wonderful 3 day retreat with my Miss Bee Haven buddies where I managed to complete a second art quilt for submitting to PAQA-South's ArtQuilts:transitions (keeping crossed fingers for getting jury acceptance - one or the other, or both pieces would be great!) along with working on another large piece, designing a table runner for an upcoming class, and completing a "green" tote bag...not to mention LAUGHING so hard I couldn't breathe. I can't tell you the value having close quilting buddies adds to your life! Wait, yes I can... it is priceless!

Let's see...what else have I been up to?

I have seven interior design projects going in various stages...all fun ones. And one of last year's clients has invited me to be their guest at their annual fund raising Gala in Raleigh later this month. Black tie and all! I have my dress...DH had better get it in gear and get his tux. I haven't seen him in one since we got married, and this time...he has to dance (long story)...can't wait!

There are two more show deadlines this month and a meeting with a gallery out of town, another commissioned painted cat...oh, and I was asked to chair the Exhibit Committee for Associated Artists! I don't know who is more excited, me for being asked...or the wonderful artist who has been leading us for many, many years and was ready to, as I say, "let someone else have that opportunity" (she literally jumped for joy when I said yes! It was funny! Scares me a it really THAT demanding??).

And then there's life: dentist appointments and Science Fair projects and basketball games and snow days out of school...

I guess all of that just wasn't enough, because I also decided to completely undo and rearrange my office/studio. It is not yet put back together. It looks like I've been robbed....except they didn't take anything...

No wonder I haven't posted since January 14!!