Thursday, June 5, 2008


Wow...I've gotten really behind on posting! It always amazes me how busy things get at the end of each school year...sort of the way Christmas sneaks up on me every's always the same time of year every year, but somehow I'm never ready for the flurry of activity!! And so it goes for the May/June transition. It's a flurry too. There's the planning for teacher gifts and class year end parties for my kids overlapping with baseball season and tournaments overlapping with the pool opening overlapping with work...well, you get the picture. Plus I took on coordinating two art exhibits - one small and one large - that overlapped with each other which also overlaps with my quilt guild's upcoming show. I told someone at the opening reception for the large show tonight that I just spin my head around and whatever hat is facing forward at the moment is what I am. That's about the truth...but I like to be busy and it's all fun stuff. July will come and it will be beach time - I'll catch my breath then. Maybe...

1 comment:

Nane said...

I visited Chelsea's last weekend and checked out the Bee-Caso was great! I know what you mean about whirlwind, and I don't even have little ones to complicate my schedule!