Friday, January 3, 2014

And Now It's 2014...


I'm not even sure how a new year has gotten here so fast! So much has happened and so much has changed, that I guess it's fitting a fresh new year has begun. I can honestly say I can look back at 2013 with some very fond memories, some proud accomplishments, three major milestones (turning 50, wedding anniversary #20, elder son turning 16) and no regrets, but also with a painful realization that my life has been way too overbooked for way too long and the toll that has taken on everything in my world has become too great. I have taken a big step back from the forest of my life, looked at what was bearing fruit and what was not, and am taking steps- some big, some small, some heartbreaking- towards making changes that will hopefully restore some balance, health, and breathing room to my world.

Categorically I can say that quilting and art, for now, are going back into the "probby" file ("probby" being a professional hobby, something that might make a little money but is not a primary means of making a 'living'). That's not to say that I won't be doing it at all. On the contrary, those things are absolutely necessary...they feed my soul! Unfortunately though, after due time and dedication, I have been forced to face the reality that as a full-time pursuit they don't feed my kids. And dang y'all....I have two teenage boys. If you've raised boys you know all they do is eat!! ;)

And so, I regroup... redirect...reevaluate. I will be taking on interior design projects again. For the short term at least, I will still be running quilts (gotta make the loan payments on the longarm while I'm regrouping and reevaluating!). And I will be giving myself permission to take better care of myself. Actually, I am requiring that.

To the road ahead! Forward the adventures 2014 will bring.