Thursday, March 31, 2011

Teaching the Teachers

On Monday I had a wonderful opportunity to teach a Fusible Fabrics workshop to art teachers in the Winston-Salem Forsyth County school system. It was so much fun! I took in tons of fabric choices, some already fused and some not, a bolt of fusible web, some examples of my work and several issues of Quilting Arts flagged with sticky notes of some of my favorites. A couple of them had used fusible web before but it was new to others. As always, I love seeing how people react to using fabric as an art medium! One of them said she felt like a kid at Christmas! That's how I feel about it too :)

Here are some shots from the day. I didn't get a picture of all of the pieces, but everyone did really good work! What's really exciting for me is that they will take what they learned back to their classrooms and the love of fiber art will spread.



Nane said...

I bet they had a ball....maybe you planted some "quilting" seeds too

KQ Sue said...

Looks like a bunch of budding artists!