Has it really been since SEPTEMBER that I posted??
Why yes, I do believe I must have fallen off the planet!
Or it would seem that way here anyway, huh? Oy! The fall flew by and I was too busy to breathe. My DH's work took him out west for 7 out of 8 weeks which put me in severe-single-working-mother mode. I survived, I think. But boy, I'm in no hurry to repeat THAT again anytime soon! Add to that a child who got and stayed sick for almost 4 weeks straight (he's fine now), a big renovation design job, LOTS of quilts to quilt, the holidays, etc. etc...... and.....well no wonder I haven't been here! Thank goodness for Facebook or I would feel completely out of touch. :)
This whole year has flown by. When I look back through the pictures on my phone I marvel at just how much happened. It was the Year of the Flood, AKA The Great Clean Up/Out , the necessary studio renovation. The Year of All Star baseball traveling, from District to State to Regionals! The year of the eldest starting high school...and DRIVING! The year of starting a new business (yay Sew Sisters!) and juggling it with the old (yay design projects!). It was the year of friends getting seriously sick...and finding their way through to places of healing - four still with us and one gone to the place where there is no more hurting. I'm thankful for each of my brave friends.
It was the year of loss and gain, good and bad. A year of LIFE.
Thankfully the Mayans got it wrong...we're still here. And you know what that means...We get to keep at this adventure called life. I don't know about you, but I can't wait to see what the next year has in store!